Madison Avenue Sports Car Driving & Chowder Society... cars, camaraderie and a solid alibi.

Once a month in a famous New York restaurant there is a cheerful gathering of people with one main interest in common – sports cars and automotive competition. This luncheon takes place upstairs at Sardi’s on West 44th Street, and the name of the group is the Madison Avenue Sports Car Driving And Chowder Society, or more simply, the “Chowderheads.”
As established by the founders, Art Peck and King Moore, the Club is based on three principles:
We have no known purpose.
We have accomplished nothing.
We ain’t mad at nobody.
The Society had its first meeting March 12th, 1957, with 93 members who, at that time became Members of the Board. Everyone else, since that time, became Only Vice Presidents.
The annual dues help to pay for mailings, membership cards, and free lunches for our honored guests.